Health and Safety
Dynamic Battery Services Ltd recognises that it has responsibilities for:
- The provision and maintenance of safe equipment along with safe systems of work.
- The safe handling, storage and transportation of components and substances.
- The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision.
- The maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace and access to and from it.
- The provision of a safe and healthy working environment, adequate welfare facilities, and appropriate health surveillance.
The Policy allocates duties to certain people for ensuring that these responsibilities are met. They apply throughout the management process so that preventive and protective measures are properly planned, organised, controlled, monitored and reviewed.
Quality Assurance
In order to meet and exceed the requirements of our customers in a cost effective manner, Dynamic Battery Services Ltd will operate a Quality Assurance System. Each person recognises and accepts his/her own contribution to customer service and quality by the responsibility for the standard of his/her own output.
Dynamic Battery Services Ltd recognises that objectives for quality cannot be achieved without the co-operation and commitment of employees, customers and suppliers and will ensure adequate resources are available to achieve the agreed requirements of the customer and the policy.
To ensure the success of our company, we must operate in a systematic, organised and cost effective manner which is directed to meeting customer requirements and expectations.
To facilitate and ensure such success, our system of operation has been defined in the Quality System which is documented in the Quality Manual and its supporting procedures. The system conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. The requirements specified in these documents are mandatory on all personnel.
To achieve this objective, we will endeavour to:-
- Work closely with customers to ensure that each party understands the realistic requirements of each other.
- Work closely with suppliers to ensure that they understand our requirements and have the capability to meet those requirements.